Browse Genre - Official
Files containing content that is officially part of ZZT, having been submitted to Epic and published in an Epic released compilation of ZZT worlds. This consists of official releases of ZZT, Super ZZT, Best of ZZT, and ZZT's Revenge.

Program Description
Identical to "Best of ZZT", except for an earlier revision of ZZT.DAT - the shareware nag messages use the old Epic order line number instead of the new one.

Featured Reviews
- Featured Game: Ezanya by Commodore

Program Description
The registered version of Super ZZT, generally considered a poor man's ZZT. You'll need it to play any Super ZZT games you might find, though.

Program Description
"ZZT, Super ZZT, Revenge of ZZT, & Best of ZZT."

Program Description
This has been added for nostalgic purposes--to show what the earlier version of ZZT looked like. We recommend not using this for playing OR editing games, though it is worth a look.

Program Description
This is the newest version of ZZT, and it is the one you should use to play and edit games. It includes documentation and the 6 original ZZT worlds (Town, Caves, Dungeons, Underground City, Tour and Demo).