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Although I've been around a long time (since the start of the Fall of Macrosoft), I've only written a few games. Why? Because I lose interest in most of them halfway or three-fourths of the way through. And one of those few games (Joe and the Wandering Targets) had no plot! Also, I've read the NL since it started, but this is the first thing I've written for it! Why am I starting now? You may think, "Well, he's just writing so E CyberBRO won't kick him off the NL mailing list for vegitating!" And you'd be right! Partly, any- way. I'm also writing this because it might be fun. So, here's the first topic for TNLCANIP: the weirdness of ZZT/MZXers. Why are many ZZT/MZXers (ZMers) so weird? Do only weird people like ZZT or MZX? Or do ZMers become weird after programming in ZZT or MZX? Examples: Aric McKeown : Not only was he weird while he was around (just look at the Island of Jerks games!), but he became SO weird, that he seemingly went insane! The Saga of the ZZT/MZXers : Just go to the web page (http://www.goldinc.com/~shammack/mzx/saga) and read it. You'll realize why I'm including this here. The Zed-Omega Board : Non-AOLers won't know what I'm talking about, but if you are on AOL, go to the ZZT/Zed-Omega Productions board and read it. Yapok Jr : Author of two Yapok Sundria games. These 2 games are the weirdest ZZT/MZX games I've seen anywhere! Me : I'm writing a NL article on weirdness. Can you get any weirder than that? There are many more examples I can't think of at the moment. But WHY are Z/Mers weird? Or is it just the weird people that are outspoken? Are most Z/Mers not weird and we just don't hear from them much? Do you have another theory? Don't tell it to me, write your own NL article! :) Next months topic: I don't know. I have a whole month to think up one though. --------------------------------------------------------------------- And now here's an interview sent by dbwilli@scsn.net (David B. Williams) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephen: Tell me some basic things about you. Matt: I'm about 5 foot, 7 inches. I have blond hair and blue eyes. I enjoy computers, girls, sports (definately NOT school). Stephen: When do you plan to release your new ZZT game, Warlord's Temple? Matt: I was planning on releasing it around the end of September, but due to recent attempts to add more replay value, it might be later than that. Stephen: What do you plan to do after you finish Warlord's Temple? Matt: If a protected mode Megazeux comes out, I may start working on MZX, but, no matter what, I'm going to learn C++ and quit ZZT. Stephen: Are you a part of Software Visions or not? Matt: Yes, I am. Stephen: What games have you made? Matt: My first officially released game is COOLNESS, distributed by Software Visions. I also made a ZZT utility called ZZTHelp. I am currently working on Warlord's Temple. Last, I have graphically enhanced Cannibal Island, a game by Greg Janson. It is only available via registration of the ZZT ten pack. Stephen: How can people contact you? Matt: You can send me E-Mail at dbwilli@scsn.net. I would prefer you put "Matt" in the subject heading, as 4 people use the same address here. Stephen: Do you have a web page? Matt: Yes, I do. I can be visited at http://www.scsn.net/users/dbwilli/ There is a ZZT/MZX page, a decent number of links, and more! Visit it! Stephen: Thanx for letting me interview you. Matt: No problem. THE TIGER'S LAIR WHITE TIGER PRODUCTIONS THKirk FEATURING THE ZZT REVIEWS Before I reveiw the games for this month, I'd like to tell you about a nice little program for zzt called New Look. This program by Toucan@AOL.com literaly gives zzt a new look. The characters have been changed, it looks much nicer than the standard ansi chars. New Look can be found in the ZZT library on AOL, I highly recomend it. +Good Things: New graphics Has a world with it to show you all the new stuff -Bad Things: When used with some of the old zzt games, the chars look very weird But you should still get it, you'll love it i'm sure. Games This Month: Star Cruiser Joe's Apartment RPG Weirdo ***Star Cruiser*** Author: Joe Zarrow Company: Unknown In this game, you play the part of a galactic agent who has to capture a rebel leader on a star cruiser. It may sound easy, but you'll have to deal with a traitor as well... Graphics: B Plot: A Sound and Music: A Overall: B+ Difficulty: Medium Good Things: Nice graphics Good use of sound and music Good plot Bad Things: Not an absolte bad thing, but I didn't like to shoot all the ruffians on the third board. The Core Puzzle is very hard, however a solution is provided in the text file with the game. And you don't have to beat the puzzle to win the game. ***Joe's Apartment*** Author: Daniel Tiernan Company: ZZT Bugs Inc. Well, this game is supposed to be based on the movie Joe's Apartment. Personaly I think the movie looks to stupid to even bother making. And the game...well...It's not that great either. For one thing, there are just too many enemies. Every board has at least 100 'roaches' (bears actualy). Not enough ammo for them all. And the so-called 'King Roach' was rather dumb. Don't get this game Graphics: F (yellow borders!) Plot: F Sound and Music: F (none) Difficulty: none (if you cheat to get ammo) Overall: a really big F! ***RPG*** Author: Unknown Company: ???? Ummm....It sucks, 'nuf said ***Weirdo*** Author: ??? Company: ??? Well...It's rather dumb. It has a lot of bugs. You lose simply by cosing the wrong passage out of two (it doesn't even tell you to choose you just lose). I didn't even bother to finish the game, It's just to bad! that's it for the reveiws! now for a little company news... If you don't know it yet, Empire(now called 'The Reith Chronicles') is being remade. New everything, even the plot has been rewriten. It's main theme is still there, it's just been made better. Part 1 : Discovery has been finished, and is now undergoing testing and debugging. Part 2 : Alternations is now being devoloped. If you are interested in testing, writing music, or making a battle engine, E-Mail me at THKirk@AOL.com That's all for this month. Happy ZZT/MZXing --------------------------------- E. CyberBRO: "And now for something completely different." NOTE: "If you are currently using a service other than AOL then you should skip this article." --------------------------------- X-Clusive Information --------------------- America Online 3.0 For Windows 3.1 vs. For Windows 95 Beta by E. CyberBRO I know this doesn't have much to do with ZZT/MZX but for all you who have or want AOL 3.0 should listen to what I got to say. AOL releases 3.0 finally. With more features than I can talk about. If you have anything less I suggest you upgrade, you don't know what yer missin'? But the reason I am writing this article is because I'm a beta tester of AOL 3.0 for Windows 95. I've beta tested AOL for Windows 3.1, however, this one's more of a headache, let me compare: -*| AOL 3.0 for Windows 3.1 The Plus Side: 1. Well of course it looks better. 2. One of the features that lets you know when someone you know logs on, (The Buddie List) 3. It is said that the Web Browser is 33% faster. 4. Only 1 MB as usual for downloading. (Fits on diskette) 5. Of course the fact that you can add color and the ability to click on specific blue underlined text to take you right to the area it tells you about. The Minus Side: 1. Can't utilize the special text on the NL Mailing list cause those "other" guys out there decided that the other software they got right now is cheaper. (Don't I feel sorry for you now, can't utitlize all of AOL any more) 2. The fact that an upgrade can only do so much for your computer. Everything else AOL has to work on. (Basicly I mean that most of AOL will still look the same) -*| AOL 3.0 for Windows 95 Beta (This is exclusive, I wouldn't share this too much online.) The Plus Side: 1. At last, Long File Names!! 2. Works better for Windows 95. (Maybe, maybe not.) 3. You get more of a Windows 95 feel. 4. The BIG Plus! 3 Words: MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER 5. It's the 3.0 version which you can run seperately or with AOL. The Minus Side: 1. Long File Names only useful when you change the name of the file you want to download on the spot. Or save text. 2. AOL for Windows 3.1 is a 1 MB Download. AOL for Windows 95 so far is now a 2 MB download. (Instead of a whopping 5 MB download the first time as the 32-bit code was not efficient then) 3. If AOL still decides to keep the actual MSIE 3.0 program (Because MSIE is being beta tested as well) we're looking at a 7 MB download. It may be shorter if the 32-bit code for MSIE is improved further. (I had to download two separate files that topped around 11 MBs total the first time) 4. True MSIE is included with AOL but they'll eventually tell you that it looks much like the usual AOL browser with MSIE hidden in it, which is basicly true. The only difference is the MSIE icon in the corner of the window. For those who are interested I'll keep you posted on the latest happenings of AOL for Windows 95. Until then... (Don't E-Mail me asking me, "What does this have to do with ZZT/MZX?" cause the answer is that this program helps you get the actual games.) The Critic Corner by E. CyberBRO ================= MZX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Lordship AUTHOR: ZZTurbo of ZScope GRADE: C+ SIZE: 970K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortunately: 1. Intro has excellent graphics 2. Nice storyline drawing you into the game. 3. Different from other MZX games. 4. For a games this size, it's around a reasonable 877K download zip file or so. Unfortunately: 1. Extremely difficult to figure out what you're doing. Even after reading the instructions. 2. Like Chris mentioned, your soldiers are dancing more than anything else. 3. The Cursor (So that's what that was) doesn't really act like a cursor. 4. In other words, needs more work in the interface dept. 5. No offense to author but all in all as of now the game's not really worth the hype. 6. Oh, now that Chris mentioned it the strategy part seems to be missing. ZZT Explosion!! The Critic Corner by E. CyberBRO =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This time I decided to choose some ZZT games just to see if they try to live up to their name, but most likely not. So lets just see shall we: (Remember, these grades are based on quality of ZZT only) ZZT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Yoshi Island Part Deux AUTHOR: T0UCAN and ZED-OMEGA GRADE: B SIZE: 298K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortunately: 1. More Yoshi, most of the time. 2. Pretty good graphics (For ZZT). 3. Interesting Puzzles and situations. Unfortunately: 1. A few places in the game where there are no clues on what to do next. 2. You have to guess on how to do certain things. (Like killing one of the bosses simply by touching him a few times, though immune to bullets) ZZT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Z-Mag Magazine AUTHOR: Brian Vonck (Vidwiz127) GRADE: F- SIZE: 53K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortunately: 1. When you see the unfortunately section you won't want to download it. Unfortunately: 1. The author *Ahem* forgot updated so you won't have to start in the middle of the game. 2. Really rediculous looking title screen. 3. In one room, the different passages are all the same color. (And you know what that means) 4. Nothing rememberable about the game. (Cause I can't remember the other bad things about it.) 5. Just about everything else. ZZT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: SuperSoft Magazine #1 AUTHOR: Bakes13 of Supersoft GRADE: D SIZE: 16K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortunately: 1. It's better than Z-Mag 2. With a better title screen, too. Unfortunately: 1. This magazine basicly promotes to more of his crappy games. 2. Oh, goodie! An outlook on Baseball! *Sheesh!* 3. Again hardly anything in this magazine. ZZT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sonic & Knuckles AUTHOR: DRG4 GRADE: C SIZE: 102K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortunately: 1. This is kind of like an episode. 2. Most of your favorite Sonic characters are included. 3. A pretty nifty storyline. Unfortunately: 1. No yellow boarders but the Graphics are TERRIBLE! 2. Mainly Solid walls used to display beds and other stuff. 3. When the other characters disappear you will see the black spot where they disappeared on any ground colored board. ZZT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Oh, Gee Magazine AUTHOR: CLAbles GRADE: C++ SIZE: 63K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fortunately: 1. Better than those other magazines. 2. Colorful 3. Pretty well organized. Unfortunately: 1. The Gold Medal goes to, oh dear me, what a surprise: CODE RED. 2. Actually, this is no better than those decent magazines. 3. Touch one of the robots to end the game. That's it for the NL. Until then, stay tuned for next months NL. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Thanks to DeadPhrog I now have the April Edition once again. Thank you very much DeadPhrog. :-) Other NOTE: "Recently DeadPhrog and I have solved a recent problem of him or anybody else not using AOL who might happen to send a file other than a ZIP file and when I receive it it comes in as mail. Though I do see the name of the file in some other text that AOL seems to put in. But the only solution to get a text file "AS IS" sent to me is to actually ZIP it before sending it. Thank you. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- E. CyberBRO
Oh, Gee! Issue #1

The NL - Volume 3 Issue 9 (The School's Back Issue)
Inside: NL Column About Nothing In Particular, Matt Williams Interview, The Tiger's Lair, AOL 3.0 Windows 3.1 vs Windows 95 Beta, The Critic Corner
Published: Sep 30, 1996
Part of Series: NL